
SUPERCREATIVITY™️- Accelerating Innovation in Airport Parking In The Age Of Artificial Intelligence

The business of parking is changing at the speed of light. Exponential technologies such as artificial intelligence and robotics combined with a drive towards greater sustainability and efficiency are creating new disruptive business models almost overnight. In this new world, one where McKinsey & Co predict that 45 percent of jobs will be automated over the next 20 years, there is one distinctly human competitive advantage you and your people must leverage – your creativity. In this tailored, entertaining and highly visual one-of-a-kind keynote, James Taylor takes the audience on a journey to discover the backstage secrets of the world’s most innovative organizations.


About James Taylor

James Taylor - who started his career managing high profile rock stars - is now an in-demand keynote speaker and internationally recognized leader in creativity, sustainability, innovation and artificial intelligence. For over 20 years, he has been advising CEO’s, entrepreneurs, educators, governments, leaders, writers and rockstars on how to design innovative organizations, unlock creative potential and build a sustainable future. His forthcoming book is “SuperCreativity: Augmenting Human Creativity in the Age of Artificial Intelligence”. For more, visit JamesTaylor.me




James Taylor
James Taylor
Keynote Speaker


Monday, November 25Room

09:00 - 10:00 UTC+3